Monday, April 29, 2013

Finish School Year Goal

                                                  Spring Semester Grades

A) Is your grade in line with your goals?
My grades are not even close to what I had in mind to pass the class with. Its actually horrifying to look at my grades. I know that when my mom takes a look at that ugly 65 she's going to KILL me.
B) How can you reach your full potential?
I think I can reach my full potential if I actually try my all and stop being so lazy. I will try to pay more attention in class and stop talking and doing things that have nothing to do with the class. focus on my classwork when i have to and play around later.
C) What is your new goal?
My new goal is to get off the bed on time. I know my bed is really nice and all but I think school is more important.  I know that this class is very important and I know I could do way better. Trying to do my work on time, participate, do all my homework, labs and projects

Friday, April 26, 2013

Packet Tracer Project 4 Static Route

   For project 4 I had to create the topology above. Using packet tracer. We have been using packet tracer a lot for the past weeks. It wasnt really anything new. The topology has four 1941 Routers. I named them New york, Boston, Vegas, and Boarder; Four pc's, 7 networks, and four 2950T-24 switches. 

   The routers are configured staticly. To connect the topology I used a series of cables. Cables dce for routers so we could use clocks and straight-through cables for the switches and pcs. To make sure everything was working from what you can see from the picture all the lights have to be green. Turning on all ports will make sure the cables can connect the devices.  I configured gateways to the pcs. This will help the computers to send and receive information from the networks. After, I pinged the pcs. The pings will check the computers, routers and connectivity.  so many steps for just one topology. 

 From configuring routers and setting ip addresses to connecting devices using cables I was finally done.  making sure that everything was done correctly including the set up of the passwords,  ip addresses, subnet masks,  indicating interfaces just to prevent hackers from entering. I actually had fun doing this project i knew the basics and what to do from the previous projects. Which I think helped me out a lot and i'm happy to say it liked it.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Static Route Reflection

The topology above has five networks and six end devices. which are the computers A-F. There are three switches and three routers. The hosts are connected by cables. A series of routing interfaces. The topology is connected by a basic configuration. All the routers are configured the same way. 

Steps to configure a router 
Router# config t
Router (config)#hostname R1
R1 (config)#banner motd *this is a secure system*
R1 # (config) enable password cisco
R1 enable secret class
R1(config)# int s(insert serial #)
R1(config-if)#ip address (insert ip address  insert subnet mask)
R1(config-if)#No shutdown 
R1(config-if)# control z
R1# copy running-config startup